Teaching Experience
Dartmouth College, lecturer
I taught 6 undergraduate and graduate courses for 10 to 35 students. I was responsible for developing course syllabi, learning objectives, lectures, homework, and exams and leading graduate teaching assistants and student graders.
1. Fall 2022: Probability (Math 20)
2. Spring 2022: Introduction to Applied Mathematics/Applied Mathematics II (Math 46/136)
3. Fall 2021: Probability (Math 20)
4. Spring 2021: Introduction to Applied Mathematics/Applied Mathematics II (Math 46/136)
5. Fall 2020: Differential Equations (Math 23)
6. Spring 2020: Introduction to Applied Mathematics / Applied Mathematics II (Math 46/136)
TU Braunschweig, research assistant
I assisted in 10 undergraduate and graduate courses and seminars for up to 200 students. I was responsible for designing and holding exercise lectures, homework, and exams.
TU Braunschweig, student assistant
I assisted in 10 undergraduate and graduate courses and seminars for up to 200 students. I was responsible for designing and holding exercise lectures, homework, and exams.
Student Supervision
Jonathan Lindbloom (Graduate student, Dartmouth, together with Anne Gelb), since 2022
Sultan Hall (Undergraduate student, Dartmouth, together with Anne Gelb), 2022–2023
Yao Xiao (Graduate student, Dartmouth, together with Anne Gelb and Guohui Song), 2020–2022
Dorian Hillebrand (Master student, TU Braunschweig, together with Thomas Sonar), 2020
Alex Keilmann (Bachelor student, TU Braunschweig, together with Thomas Sonar), 2018
Probability (Math 20)
Undergraduate, Fall 2022/21
Our capacity to fathom the world around us hinges on our ability to understand unpredictable quantities. We must incorporate probability into the mix to gain more accurate mathematical models of the natural world. This course will serve as an introduction to the foundations of probability theory.
Introduction to Applied Mathematics (Math 46/136)
Undergraduate/Graduate, Spring 2022/21/20
This course provides an introduction into the field of Applied Mathematics. The emphasis is upon mathematical tools to describe and analyze real world phenomena which play a central role in the applied and natural sciences. This includes ordinary as well as partial differential equations. While no prior knowledge on partial differential equations is expected, this course requires you (the student) to already be familiar with ordinary differential equations and linear algebra.
Differential Equations (Math 23)
Undergraduate, Fall 2020
This course is a survey of important types of differential equations, both linear and nonlinear. Topics include the study of systems of ordinary differential equations using eigenvectors and eigenvalues, numerical solutions of first- and second-order equations and of systems, and the solution of elementary partial differential equations using the Fourier series.